Gaudete Sunday
Gaudete Sunday (15th December 2019)
Advent is a time of ‘quiet expectancy’
The third Sunday in Advent is also known as ‘Gaudete Sunday’ from the word Rejoice! And there was definitely a growing atmosphere of joy and expectancy this Sunday at St. John’s. Gaudete Sunday is marked with a pink candle and younger members of the congregation helped light (and blow out) the candles on the Advent wreath.
Advent marks the start of the Christian year and is a time of preparation to celebrate the coming of Jesus. It’s a time of longing and hope but is also time for quiet reflection.
In her sermon, Rev Rona said: ‘In a world of constant turmoil and strife, now more than ever we need to live true to our Christian values of goodness, faithfulness and love. Think how much more we could all achieve if we let our imaginations soar upwards, like the eagle of St John.’