Glow Toddlers

Glow Toddlers

Glow Toddlers

Monday 22 September 2025, 09:15 - 10:45
Seminar Room 1, 222 Epsom Road, Guildford GU1 2RG
Georgie Gregson
Free- Voluntary donation

Glow is the name of our baby and toddlers group at St John's. We meet in the Church Centre (we are upstairs) on Monday Mornings during term time from 9:15 to 10:45.  We do sometimes meet in the school holidays as well on an ad hoc basis. To keep up to date with these sessions are running click the link to the right and you can sign up to our toddlers mailing list.

The group at St John’s offers a warm, friendly space to meet other parents, grandparents, childminders and carers. There are different play areas for toddlers and a baby area set up in our book corner. Each session we have singing time often followed by a story for those who would like to hear one. Once or twice a term we pop over to church for singing, story and a prayer. 

For you amazing adults we offer tea, coffee and biscuits because everyone needs a little pick me up in the morning. Sharing of biscuits with children is strictly optional! 

You are welcome any time to pop along and let your little ones have fun, meet new friends and enjoy!

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