02/07/2024 0 Comments
Sunday 30th April - Joint Service with the Clandons
Sunday 30th April - Joint Service with the Clandons
# Sunday

Sunday 30th April - Joint Service with the Clandons
Joint Service with the Clandons
We are hosting the latest Joint Service with East and West Clandon on Sunday 30th April at 10am.
Father Barnaby will lead the service and preach, and the readings and intercessions, and organ playing will be equally distributed between both parishes. We look forward to welcoming a large congregation, but request that if at all possible Merrow residents could park over the road (or walk) to leave car parking spaces free for our visitors.
This will be the only communion service in our three Churches on this day to enable us to come together and worship as a group.
To donate in our virtual collection plate for St John's please click here and our Service Sheet can be found here. The latest Newsletter can be found here.