02/07/2024 0 Comments
Summer Holiday Community Stroll for Charity
Summer Holiday Community Stroll for Charity
# News

Summer Holiday Community Stroll for Charity
Get the family and friends together during the Summer Holidays and follow our mystery trail round Guildford on the St. Johns Church Community Stroll for Charity.
Sign up on below, and down load twenty-four pictures of landmarks around the town centre. Some you will easily recognise, others are rather more obscure. Plan your walk to start and finish where it suits you, make time for a refreshment stop and see if you can identify all the pictures. The walk should take a couple of hours and every group will be entered for the Know-all’s prize to be drawn from a hat.
You’ll see some bits of Guildford you didn’t know existed; you’ll be able to make a donation to some really needy charities; and it’ll keep the family occupied for a couple of hours!
To add to the fun, we're asking everyone to post on our Facebook page. Somewhere on your journey, simply take a photo and send it to us via Facebook.
To sign up, please enter your contact details below and we will send you full details of how to take part.
If you would like to make an optional donation in support of our three charities, we would be most grateful.