02/07/2024 0 Comments
Pancake Party at Home!
Pancake Party at Home!
# Families

Pancake Party at Home!

Join in the fun at home and celebrate Pancake day in style by taking part in our Pancake Flipping Challenge!
If you are under 18 film yourself flipping a pancake - how many can you do? Email or WhatsApp them to Hannah (Youthworker@saintjohns.org.uk/07591674306), donate to St. Johns (we suggest £1) and then entry who flips it the most times will win a lovely Easter Egg and the Champion title!
Now, if you are over 18 the fun doesn't stop there! If you fancy yourself as the Pancake Champion then record yourself flipping the pancakes, email or WhatsApp them to Hannah (Youthworker@saintjohns.org.uk/07591674306), and donate to St. John's (we suggest £2) Then see if you've won the title (and Easter Egg too!)
Sign up here to receive your kit: