02/07/2024 0 Comments
Service and Act of Remembrance - Sunday 12th November at 10.45.
Service and Act of Remembrance - Sunday 12th November at 10.45.
Service and Act of Remembrance - Sunday 12th November at 10.45.
# Sunday
Published on Sunday, 12 November 2023 10:45

Service and Act of Remembrance - Sunday 12th November at 10.45.
We invite you to this special service on Sunday 12th November at 10.45.
The service at St John’s will include the Silence at 11am, a hymn, a reading and prayers, followed outside at the War Memorial by the laying of wreaths and reading of the names of the fallen.
The uniformed organisations will join the service at the War Memorial and attend a special service in church afterwards.
Coffee will be served in the church centre after the service and all are welcome to come along.
The Service Sheet can be found here.