02/07/2024 0 Comments
# Reflections

My reflection on Prayer has been particularly difficult to articulate. Prayer is such an integral part of our lives, yet has a personal resonance for each of us. Spontaneous prayer often springs from our deepest emotions like joy, gratitude, loss and despair. Yet most of the time our lives run their course in a distinctly average way. It’s during these ‘average’ times that I would encourage you to pray. Just find a quiet space and make time for God. You can find a Psalm, a book or even an App that resonates with how you’re feeling at that particular time.
Consider contemplative prayer and try saying the beautiful words from Psalm 62 ‘For God alone, my soul in stillness waits’. Spending just ten minutes a day being still before the Lord will enrich your life. If you’re still struggling to find suitable words, simply say the Lord’s prayer, thoughtfully reflecting on each phrase.
Recommended book: ‘Occasions for Alleluia’ by David Adam, who was the Vicar of Lindisfarne for many years. This wonderful book aims to help us recognise that there are moments in every day of our lives that are cause for thanksgiving, when we may pause and praise God.