02/07/2024 0 Comments
# Reflections

Humour is a wonderful way to deal with difficult times and is a very human response when life is challenging. This is not to trivialise the impact coronavirus has had on lives, but helps us to share and make sense of it together.
Think of the sports commentator Andrew Cotter, whose commentary on his two Labradors Olive and Mabel (who do nothing) has kept the nation amused.
Psalm 151 has been rewritten to reflect the current times and includes lines which resonate with us all such as: ‘I have dwelt long in the house of lockdown… the supermarket was barren….the righteous have forgotten social distancing… goodness shall follow you at a two metre distance.’
There is even humour to be found in the bible, if you look closely enough.
God created laughter and when joy bubbles out of us, this is an expression of God’s Kingdom. Humour is a manifestation of His light shining through the darkness.
Book recommendation: Acts and Omissions by Catherine Fox. The book centres on the fictional Diocese of Lindchester and looks into the lives of bishops, priests and lay people, all told with a gentle but insightful humour.