02/07/2024 0 Comments
May Reflection
May Reflection
# Reflections

May Reflection
Rona’s Reflection for May
In these strange and uncertain times, it can be difficult to feel God’s presence. Feelings of confusion and abandonment may be flooding our thoughts. Yet, out of so much anguish has come so much hope. Small acts of kindness, generosity from strangers, a togetherness that was until now almost unimaginable.
Many people are finding new comfort in the natural world, where glimpses of God are a constant presence for those with open hearts. There is so much joy in the increasingly loud birdsong as the dawn chorus gets earlier with each lengthening day.
The God who loves us so much has created this beautiful noise, which is played out each morning, often while we sleep. God is with us, we just need to look and listen.
Ascension day is on 21st May and what better time to celebrate Christ’s ascension into heaven, than by listening to the cacophony of bird song that has been created to give us all a glimpse of heaven on Earth.
This year I recorded a very special service for Ascension day, starting as dawn broke and the first sounds of the dawn chorus filled the early morning air. It finishes with a joyful climax of bird song, as the beautiful singing reaches a crescendo.
It reminds me of when I visited a wise, old nun at a difficult time in my life, when I was searching for answers. She took me outside and said ‘what do you hear?’ I replied ‘the sound of birds singing.’ The nun answered ‘That’s the sound of God telling you of his love for you.’ I have never forgotten this.
I hope when you hear this exquisite sound, particularly in these troubled times, it will help you realise that God is here and is ever present. It’s just a matter of listening. When you do this, you’ll understand that God is answering your prayer for his ‘kingdom (to) come on earth as it is in heaven.’
I pray for each and every one of you
With blessings, Rona