02/07/2024 0 Comments
A Prayer - the church is different now
A Prayer - the church is different now
# News

A Prayer - the church is different now
From Rona .............. ‘In these difficult times, I’d like to share this prayer with you. Whilst it was written for those ordained in the church, I think the feelings expressed will resonate with many of you. I love the quiet hope offered in the final line: ‘As I step into the unknown with God by my side.’
Prayer from someone in ordained ministry: -
The church is different now
The church I knew vanished
The church I trained for
Offered my life for
Offered my all for
Different, hidden, house-bound
Absent, frightened, anxious
Needy, vulnerable, waiting
The capable, intelligent flock
Who offered skills and love
Now gone, behind closed doors
No longer there to care
But needing care
The church is different now
The buildings I know so well, closed
The liturgy, so familiar, unread
The elements of Eucharist, lifeless
The hymn books gathering dust
The collection plate empty
The people have all gone home
As I prepare mentally for some 'going home'
I'm the carer of their souls
I am told I may have to bury them sooner than I thought
The church is different now
I am starting from scratch
A new approach, one I hadn't trained for
New liturgy, new technology, online, virtual
Foreign, strange, changing every day
New advice from Bishops
Who like us are having to imagine and create
As I recognise my exhaustion and anxiety
As I acknowledge my fear,
my responsibility for my family and friends
My aching tired body that may be carrying symptoms
I turn to Christ, the head of the Church
And I see
My God is the same now
The God I know, present
The God I trained for
Offered my life to
Offered my all to
Is calling me to be me
Only me
As I step into the unknown with God by my side
With blessings
Rev. Rona