


# Reflections


Reflections on snowdrops

I love this beautiful photograph which was taken in our Churchyard. It reminds me of the practical way that people have been caring for this Churchyard over the years; by planting bulbs and encouraging snowdrops and crocuses to spread. This photo also touches me because I know it was taken on a very cold, windy day, and yet look how delicate the flowers are. How has it mustered the strength to push through that hard earth when it was so fragile? Yet it has.

And so the snowdrop feels like a metaphor for me - as you look at this beautiful photograph, or the real flower, I encourage you to reflect on the metaphor of the snowdrop. Sometimes we have to push through seemingly impossible odds, but when we do persist, whether through courage, or good fortune to find ourselves in the right place, or just solid determination, we can fulfil our purpose to be the person we were always meant to be.   And people will look at our fragility and realise that part of our journey has been tough - that our completed whole (this perfectly formed snowdrop) is not all we are, and have ever been. And they will look in awe and praise of what we have achieved. Finally, pushing through the tough times to flower with all your potential also has another positive benefit - think how many people will walk by and think "Oh! How beautiful!"

Thanks to the human heart by which we live,
Thanks to its tenderness, its joys, and fears,
To me the meanest flower that blows can give
Thoughts that do often lie too deep for tears.

William Wordsworth, 1770-1850

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