02/07/2024 0 Comments
Resolve to find the ‘still, small voice of calm’
Resolve to find the ‘still, small voice of calm’
# Reflections

Resolve to find the ‘still, small voice of calm’
Reflections from Rev Rona - January 2020
Resolve to find the ‘still, small voice of calm’
It’s the start of a new year and a new decade, as well as a time to make new resolutions. Whilst January should be a time of hope; for many people it is not a time of joy. The nights are long, the days are cold and summer is a long way off. Yet January is the perfect time for reflection and to rediscover some inner peace after the busy-ness of the Christmas period. After all, we are human-beings, not human-doings (which can be easy to forget in the frenetic preparations for the 25th December).
So why not make a new year’s resolution to take some quiet time to reflect, be peaceful and open to God. Spending a few minutes each day sitting quietly with your thoughts, without any mental shopping lists, will start to nurture your spirit. You could just sit and look out the window or go for a walk. The church is always open for quiet prayer and meditation during the day.
Just try to quieten your mind and be in the moment. Being here now is a gift (that’s why it’s called the present!).
You may be amazed at what you find in the power of silence, it just might be ‘the still, small voice of calm’ calling to you.
With love,
Rev Rona
(A more detailed version of this reflection can be found in the January issue of the Merrow Parish magazine)