02/07/2024 0 Comments
Christingle Service 2019
Christingle Service 2019
# Families

Christingle Service 2019
‘May your light shine in the darkness’
A magical Christingle service was attended on Sunday by excited children (and grown ups). This year the service coincided with the start of advent, which gave an extra special feel to the occasion.
To help children understand exactly what all elements of the Christingle represent, Assistant Curate Rev’d Barry Hanson sportingly dressed as an orange (the world), and was decorated with a ribbon (symbolising the love and blood of Christ), sweets (representing God’s creations) and a candle (Jesus’s light in the world, bringing hope to people living in darkness).
Every member of the congregation was given a Christingle to hold. The highlight came when the Christingles were lit and the church lights were switched off, creating a wonderful golden glow of light throughout the church. The looks of awe and amazement on young faces will never be forgotten.
In addition baby Charlie Alexander Dickinson was welcomed into the church community by Rev’d Rona Stuart-Bourne.
This atmospheric and joyful Christingle Service brought together families communities and people of all ages, from babies upwards.
What a start to advent!
To see more photos of this wonderful event, click here.