02/07/2024 0 Comments
Men's Fellowship - Christmas Lunch on Saturday 16th December
Men's Fellowship - Christmas Lunch on Saturday 16th December
# Men's Fellowship

Men's Fellowship - Christmas Lunch on Saturday 16th December
St. John’s Men’s Fellowship invite all members, plus your partner, friend, or colleague, to a pre-Christmas lunch at St. John’s Centre on Saturday 16th December. A light Christmas-themed lunch will be served from 12.30 in the main hall. This will be a great social event for the Fellowship, and for everyone’s entertainment and enjoyment we will organise a few sedentary activities and games after lunch.
Optional - for those who wish to be more active, there will be a walk beforehand starting from the Centre at 10.30am and aiming to return in time for a well-earned lunch. The walk will be guided as we make our way over Merrow Downs and circle back via a scenic route.
How much? We ask for a donation of £10 per head to cover all costs please.
What to do next? Please click on this link https://forms.churchdesk.com/f/u7COK1wgdG for tickets.
Otherwise please contact Robert (07934 610049) or Richard for information & ticket information.
