02/07/2024 0 Comments
From Metropolis to Necropolis - July 2023
From Metropolis to Necropolis - July 2023
# Men's Fellowship

From Metropolis to Necropolis - July 2023
The ever-adventurous Men’s Fellowship followed up its June Southwark Cathedral visit with a July tour of the Brookwood Cemetery, the largest cemetery in the world. The splendidly named London Necropolis and National Mausoleum Company acquired 2000 acres of Woking’s common Land in 1852 and laid out some 500 acres which have matured into area of peaceful lawns shaded by magnificent trees.
The idea of a great metropolitan cemetery sprang from the growing volume of London’s dead; churchyards were literally overflowing. The London and South Western Railway was contracted to carry coffins and mourners into the cemetery from a private station next to Waterloo. Christian Church disunity was reflected in the two rail stations, one for Anglicans and one for Dissenters! The rail service ceased when the station was bombed in 1941.
Brookwood has more than 300,000 burials. In addition to plots reserved by parishes, guilds and organisations like the Chelsea Pensioners, there are large plots for the reinterment of remains disturbed by building development in the Capital. The HS2 Burial Ground contains remains disturbed by the works around Euston Station. Separate military cemeteries are administered by the Commonwealth War Graves Commission but we did not have time to visit on this occasion.
As we walked around the grounds, we reflected on the lives commemorated, artists like John Singer Sargent, authors like Rebecca West and Dennis Wheatley, philanthropists, diplomats, generals and admirals, Victoria Cross holders and the Tiller Girls founder, all alongside the unmarked plots of some 200,000 paupers whose names will never been known. Sobering thoughts to provoke discussion over our lunch in the neighbouring hostelry.
