02/07/2024 0 Comments
War Memorial Appeal – Great News!
War Memorial Appeal – Great News!
# News

War Memorial Appeal – Great News!

The Friends of St John’s (FoStJ) are delighted to report that the re-erection of the War Memorial has been completed.
Now cleaned and dry it looks magnificent once again in time for its re-dedication on Remembrance Day this year.
We would extend our grateful thanks to the stonemasons, Anstey & Stone of Farnham, for their co-operation and skill in achieving the Memorial’s restoration.
You can see pictures of the restoration work on the Friends of St John's Website.
The target of the Appeal for monies to repair the damage was reached in August.
The support from the Merrow Community and Church members has been amazing with well over 60 donations amounting to over £2,400. Also Guildford Borough Council, seeing how much effort had been made by the community, stepped into the breach and made a ‘Matched Fund’ donation of £1,700 to take us to our target of £4,078 with a small surplus to allow for the total clean of the Memorial, not just its repair.
FoStJ would like to thank everyone for their generosity and commitment to the valuable community asset that is the War Memorial standing within the St John’s Churchyard.