02/07/2024 0 Comments
Thanks for coming - Summer Stroll 21st July
Thanks for coming - Summer Stroll 21st July
# Men's Fellowship

Thanks for coming - Summer Stroll 21st July
The Men’s Fellowship Summer Stroll – 21st July
The Men’s Fellowship mountaineering team, an Intrepid eight, cautiously ventured into the great outdoors only 48 hours after the hottest day since records began. From Base Camp at Ripley, their objective was to climb the Pyrford Church peak and traverse the ridge to summit at the Anchor at Pyrford Lock. The day was lightly overcast and heavily humid.

Pausing at Walsham Lock to view the new Fish Pass scheme, we safely made the cool shelter of the lovely 12th Century church of St. Nicholas. Founded about the same time as St. Johns, it has been largely untouched by later developments – very different from St. Johns. Its porch sheltered us from the heat as we took quiet refreshments.