02/07/2024 0 Comments
Ales on The Rails
Ales on The Rails
Ales on The Rails
# Men's Fellowship
Published on Saturday, 16 July 2022 19:45

Ales on The Rails
Ales on The Rails - 9th July 2022

Following our most successful excursion to Brooklands in April, St John's Men's Fellowship took to the rails for The RAT - The Real Ale Train on the Watercress Line in Hampshire. With a fine Southern railway locomotive pulling us, we had two round trips between Alton and Alresford, enjoying some excellent local beers as the we gently steamed through the idyllic Hampshire scenery; and at Alresford we were able also to enjoy some very tasty food from the station buffet.
The evening sun shone, the conversation flowed, and we all had a most enjoyable evening - a Merrow Men's Fellowship excursion at its best.
