02/07/2024 0 Comments
Holy Week Reflection - Tuesday
Holy Week Reflection - Tuesday
# Reflections

Holy Week Reflection - Tuesday
Holy Week Reflection (order of service here)
Tuesday - A heart for Jesus.
One step closer to the cross today and again we start to really ‘see’ Jesus’ heart. A life fully lived and a person fully loved by those around him. Mary, Martha & Lazarus’ relationship to Jesus’ is so dear, so special that an entire bible verse is written about it in the previous chapter of John. So it’s no surprise to us that Mary, at this retreat in Bethany from the crowds following him and the shouts of Crucify not far away, is the one who wants to make him feel loved…
And here, in this story, like yesterday’s we see another honest, uncomfortable truth emerge… Actions matter…. But our hearts matter more. Marys heart is outpouring love and devotion in this hugely expensive foot wash – and Judas doesn’t like it or worse, doesn’t get it. We can hear him can’t we… What are you doing? Don’t you realise how much money that is?
Yes. She did realize that. Jesus realized that. Everyone realized it, and that was the whole point. Mary was giving Jesus her all, and while others scoffed at her sacrifice, she paid no attention. Because worshipping and praising her Saviour? It was all that mattered. I wonder when we have made sacrifices for our faith no one else understands. We may be giving God our best when other disciples, who should be cheering us on, are judging and condemning us. This glimpse of Jesus reminds us that he sees us. He knows our hearts. He is our Defender who says, “Leave her alone…”
But it’s not just good times that he knows our hearts… “This could’ve helped the poor”? Jesus wasn’t fooled. He knew Judas wasn't actually caring about the poor…I wonder when we need to check our actions… check where our heart is… on the surface a shout of “give it to the poor” can often seem right… kind… even Godly. Yet the uncomfortable truth here is that Jesus wants our hearts to be focused on him, not our ego, or clever manipulation. Directed by him. So we give our very best love & devotion and in return he uses our actions to make the world a better place but the starting point is always him. That’s exactly what He got from Mary that day—and exactly what He should get from us too.
She gave her everything, and in turn, prepared His body with burial ointment fit for a king. And who knows? Maybe as Jesus was handed over and beaten without mercy, as soldiers pounded into His face to the point where He didn’t look human anymore, as He felt the whips ripping into His back, when He carried the cross up to Golgotha, when they drove stakes through His wrists and feet, spit on Him, cursed Him, and mocked Him as He hung on that cross… just maybe He could still inhale the fragrance of Mary’s gift, love & devotion.
As we look at ourselves this Holy week, and glimpse Jesus’s heart, I wonder… if it were down to us. What would have happened that night? What love & devotion would he be left with as he hung on the cross… Have we really given our all in response to his?
As we ponder that question I’ll play some music. I really encourage us all to challenge our inner Judas and allow our inner Mary to find something to do or give to God this week. Something full of love, devotion & praise. For when we truly allow ourselves to see Jesus as Mary does and give him everything… nothing is ever the same again.
Suggested Music
Appropriate Prayers
Lord Jesus, I give You my hands to do Your work. I give You my feet to go Your way. I give You my eyes to see as You do. I give You my tongue to speak Your words. I give You my mind that You may think in me. I give You my spirit that You may pray in me.
Above all, I give You my heart that You may love in me Your Father and all humankind. I give You my whole self that You may grow in me, so that it is You, Lord Jesus, who live and work and pray in me.
Father of all mercies,
whose servant Mary Magdalene responded to your gift of forgiveness
by anointing the feet of your Son:
anoint us with your Holy Spirit
that with her we may sing our redeemer’s praises
not only with our lips but in our lives;
who is alive and reigns with you and the same Spirit,
one God, now and for ever.